
The New Revelations

  1. God has never stopped communicating directly with human beings. God communicates through human beings from the beginning of time. God does so today.

  2. Every human being is as special as every other human being who has ever lived , lives now, or ever will live. All are messengers carrying a message to life about life every moment every day.

  3. No path to God is more direct than any other path. No religion is the one true religion, no people are the chosen people and no prophet is the greatest prophet

  4. God needs nothing. God requires nothing in order to be happy.

  5. God is not a singular Super Being, existing somewhere in the Universe or outside of it, having the same emotional needs and hurts as humans. That which is God cannot be hurt and has no need to seek revenge or impose punishment.

  6. All things are one. All are part of the One.

  7. There is no such thing as right and wrong. There is only what works and what does not work depending upon what it is that you seek to be, do or have.

  8. You are not your body. Who you are is limitless and without end.

  9. You cannot die and you will never be condemned to eternal damnation.

The New Revelations, A conversation with God
by Neale Donald Walsh 2002